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Our current programs

Illinois Program in Paris (IPP)
U of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Participant Departments: Department of French and Italian/Global Studies/History
Term: Semestrial or Yearly
Average number of participants per year: 30

NC in Paris
The NC Consortium of Universities
Host University: UNC Wilmington
Participant institutions: UNC Wilmington, UNC Chapel Hill, Elon University, NC State, UNC Charlotte, UNC Greensboro, East Carolina University
Term: Semestrial or Yearly
Average number of participants per year: 30

UNC Programs in Montpellier
UNC Chapel Hill
Duration: Semester or Year
Average number of participants per year: 30

De.Sh(ie) project
U of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
LAS Colleges + School of Architecture
Duration: Semester
Programmes: Programmes
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